Radar SchematicsPart 3: The Magic of RadarA peek under the lid of a modern radome-based radar on a recreational vessel might lead to the supposition that there's nothing complex about radar: a fancy antenna rotating above or around a small cluster of processing boards and power supplies; and, somewhere sheltered from the elements, a compact LCD system that displays radar data along with other useful sensor information such as GPS, echo-sounder, fish-finder, throttle positions, speed through the water and so on. Mid-market displays will include electronic charts, so that radar data can be overlaid; and up-market systems may well include automatic echo-tracking capabilities. In fact, with so many uses for the LCD, it is easy to lose sight of the processes by which that 'hatbox' overhead performs its magic. What, then, is this magic? In previous pages, the fundamentals of the magnetron and the antenna have been discussed, and there can be few in the modern world remaining unfamiliar with the concept of rastered displays such as used to be common in TV and computer-video systems; so, although their inception was figuratively spell-binding, these would not qualify as 'magic' nowadays. Appreciation of today's radar magic requires a basic understanding of the transformation that must occur between the transmission of raw power and the speckling on the LCD that signifies a gorging pelican, the groundswell of a lee shore, a ferry, rock, or tow-line - anything that matters to the conscientious mariner: • Timing is everything: Signal-processing theory is beyond the scope of this guide, and it must suffice to note that there is substantial detection gain derivable from coherent processing. Sadly, this advantage is denied the MNR in the RF domain, since the magnetron is a non-coherent electro-magnetic oscillator.[1] • For the marine navigation radar, then, "coherence" equates to synchronicity, with all relevant components functioning in harmony; this is especially important in interpreting the reflected energy, where multiple processing periods may be compared and contrasted for object detection in the presence of random "cosmic noise." It is also generally invaluable to control all processes, so that randomness does not itself become a "noise source." • The pulse-timing device, or "clock", initiates the magnetron drive-pulse, a negative-voltage pulse that stimulates the magnetron cathode into emission. During this process, the receiver must be protected from the high-energy pulse that would otherwise deafen it, possibly permanently, a critical matter because transmitter and receiver share a common antenna. In lower-power architectures, it may be sufficient to rely on ferrites to direct RF energy, much as in a one-way revolving door; in higher-power systems it is utterly essential to use fast-switching circuitry to isolate the receiver. • To be of use, the copious electromagnetic energy flowing from a physically stationary magnetron chamber must be connected to a whirling antenna system: the slotted-waveguide antenna, or the enclosed array. This requirement mandates a rotary joint, or "rojo", with a very demanding characteristic: there must be no electromagnetic impedance, in either direction - otherwise, there may be damage to both the magnetron and the receiver during transmission, while reflections may be attenuated and lost to the receiver. • It is still too soon to exhale a sigh of relief: unless the receiver is adequately protected, it is equally as vulnerable to reflections from adjacent objects as to direct connection with the transmitter. To forestall this possibility, the receiver must be desensitized at the instant of transmission and progressively re-sensitized over a period of microseconds. Sensitivity time-control (STC) circuitry is needed for this, and clearly it must be synchronized with magnetron activation. Only now, with an RF pulse successfully launched on its mission, is it possible for the receiver to step up to the plate. It must first translate the potentially variable RF returns into a relatively constant intermediate frequency, or IF. This requires: • "memorizing" the variable RF of each transmitted pulse and summing this with a much lower RF, to create a waveform that differs from the transmitted RF by a known amount; • generating a continuous-wave representation of the summed result to mix with received energy; • extracting a "difference"[2] signal for subsequent processing; and • basebanding this into a time/magnitude representation. If processing terminated here, and the raw output could be intensity-modulated onto a PPI synchronized to both the pulse-timing and the movement of the antenna, the result would be the US Navy's 1942-era SG radar; and radar would remain a labor-intensive device best-suited for coordinating collisions at sea. Instead, the modern-day radar designer sees this point as barely the beginning of the process. Any number of algorithmic target extraction stratagems will be employed to segregate tangible objects from that "cosmic noise", almost all of them considered proprietary, but all with several common characteristics: • They must be synchronized exactly to the timing of the radiated pulses; else it proves impossible to correlate target detections to range. • They will divide the available "range window" into a substantial number of equal time-periods, commonly referred to as range-cells or range-bins. This enables comparison of equivalent range-bins' magnitudes over successive detection opportunities, for discrimination of tangible objects from the more nebulous, such as rain, and discrimination of both types from the ephemeral returns caused by, for example, other radars' pulses or similar stray electromagnetic spikes. Once again, timing is everything: the more time-coherent integration that can be attained, the greater the probability of valid detection, the lower the incidence of false alarms, and hence the lower the inter-process and processing bandwidths required further downstream. From this, it may be seen that the clock used to trigger the magnetron is even more critical to target-detection processing - sequencing the data through processing, slicing it into incredibly small bins and scheduling the various comparator processes, to name but the most obvious functions. Even now, a sigh of relief would be premature: there is an entire gamut of post-detection processing to follow, discriminating between the discrete (far-off ships, buoys, spars etc) that may require algorithmic tracking, and the continuous: coastlines, swells, cloud formations etc., which require an entirely different tracking strategy. The mariner who would become ancient wants to know more than just "what is"; knowledge, "what will be," or information processing, is even more important. Hence a new customer-pressure on MNR designers: a self-preserving desire for discrimination between the new and the known; and for tools, visualizations and representations that allow rapid comprehension of the maneuvering and navigational situation surrounding the user. These pressures have introduced capabilities that would be truly magical to the original SG user - processes synchronized not to the pulse-timing clock, but to the sweep of the antenna, processes known today as ARPA (Automated Radar Plotting Aid) or its smaller siblings, the Automated Tracking Aid, the Electronic Plotting Aid, and the Mini-ARPA. Only when these memory-intensive algorithmic processes have completed their cycle does the user get to see the magic in action: a radar display refreshed and overlaid onto an electronic chart system, along with vectors indicating target motion and recent history. Viewed in this manner, it is easy to see that most of the capabilities of the modern MNR lie not in the radar per se, but in the data processing and information extraction that surround it; and that is how, typically, the MNR supplier represents it. A product brochure nowadays will focus very heavily on the data-processing, track-handling and visualization aspects, and may barely mention the transceiver system. Indeed, it is fairly common to find that a supplier buys the transceiver on a business-to-business basis, applies its own brand name and then adds the components considered necessary to make it a marketable system. Marine navigation radars, then, are becoming systems-of-systems: an antenna and a transceiver[3]; sometimes-collocated control and data-processing units; possibly an information-processing unit (ARPA or suchlike), which might be combined with the data-processing unit; and a display unit that commonly incorporates the control units and sometimes also the processing components within its chassis. Not all of these elements need necessarily be provided by a single supplier. They have also become much more flexible in the characteristics that they may exhibit: the scheduling of pulses is nowadays driven almost entirely by the data-processing logic, and the "clock"is typically to be found on the control board. Nowadays, just as the mariner may visit a convenient chandlery to obtain the latest electronic version of navigational charts on an industry-standard medium, a software or firmware upgrade to the radar logic may be obtained on a CD-ROM or USB flash-drive, just as one might update a Windows® operating system, changing the behavior of the radar to meet some new processing objective. As hinted at in the opening words to this manual, MNRs have become as potentially dynamic as modern software-engineering practices allow, and the behavior of a system could conceivably vary from voyage to voyage."[4]
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